Friday, December 29, 2006

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: The search for optimal motivation and performance

In understanding human behavior, psychologists have long been interested in what motivates specific actions. Debates have pitted those who favor extrinsic motivation (e.g., reward/punishment) against those who favor intrinsic motivation in an attempt to determine what best motivates individuals. This book provides a summary of what research has determined about both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and clarifies what questions remain unanswered. It revisits the debate about the effects of extrinsic incentives or constraints on intrinsic motivation and creativity and identifies theoretical advances in motivation research. It then focuses on the hidden costs and benefits of different types of achievement goals on motivation and performance. Theory and research findings are discussed on how extrinsic and intrinsic motivators may work in everyday life and over time. The book will be of interest to researchers in psychology, education, and business, as well as to a wider audience interested in promoting optimal motivation and performance.

Sansone, Carol., Harackiewicz, Judith M. (2000). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: The search for optimal motivation and performance. San Diego, CA, US: Academic Press, Inc. xix, 489 pp.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:57 PM  
Blogger Blanchard Research and Training India LLP said...

Motivation is a psychological marvel which means needs and wants of the people must be handled by encircling a motivating force plan.see more at:-

10:23 PM  

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