Friday, December 29, 2006

The incentive to creativity in graduate programs according to their students / O estimulo a criatividade em programas de pos-graduacao segundo seus es

De & Eunice (2002) Investigated the degree to which graduate professors implemented instructional activities that fostered creativity, according to graduate students. The results were then compared with those obtained from undergraduate students. 92 graduate students completed an inventory of incentive to creativity and evaluated their own, their teachers' and colleagues' levels of creativity. Results show that more incentive for different factors that are associated with creativity was emphasized by the graduate students, compared to the undergraduates. Graduate students judged themselves as more creative than their professors and colleagues. Moreover, they evaluated themselves and their professors as more creative than did the undergraduate students. The conditions more favorable to creativity in the graduate courses were due possibly to the goals of the graduate courses related to the production of knowledge.

De, Alencar & Eunice, ML Soriano. (2002). The incentive to creativity in graduate programs according to their students / O estimulo a criatividade em programas de pos-graduacao segundo seus estudantes. Psicologia:-Reflexao-e-Critica. Vol 15 (1): 63-70


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