Friday, December 29, 2006

A study of relationship of Piagetian stage of cognitive development and intelligence to creative thinking potential

Upadhayay & Shukla (2001) Examined the interrelationship of the Piagetian stage of cognitive development and intelligence to creative thinking potential of 750 2nd-7th grade female primary students by employing a factorial design (2x3) for 7 separate TTCT indicators. The findings reveal that a significant difference is found in the creative thinking potential of female primary students at different Piagetian stages of cognitive development as well as the interactions between ( StagexIQ Group) showed significant difference except in verbal flexibility and verbal originality.

Upadhayay, Himani & Shukla, Asha. (2001). A study of relationship of Piagetian stage of cognitive development and intelligence to creative thinking potential. Psycho Lingua. Vol 31 (1): 21-24


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